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Lit Painting Group

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Hanah Baring
Hanah Baring

Hidraulica Sotelo Solucionario

Hidraulica Sotelo Solucionario

Hidraulica Sotelo Solucionario is a collection of solutions for the problems in the book Hidraulica General by Gilberto Sotelo Avila, a renowned Mexican engineer and professor. The book covers the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and hydraulics, as well as applications in engineering, such as pipe flow, open channel flow, hydraulic machines, and hydrology.


The solucionario is a useful resource for students and professionals who want to learn and practice the concepts and methods of hydraulics. It provides detailed explanations, calculations, diagrams, and graphs for each problem, as well as references to the corresponding sections in the book. The solucionario also includes additional problems and exercises for further practice and self-assessment.

The solucionario is available online in various formats, such as PDF, YouTube videos, and SlideShare presentations. Some of the sources are:

  • [SOLUCIONARIO DE SOTELO HIDROLOGÍA GENERAL V1], a YouTube video by Felipe Quiñones that shows the solutions for the problems in the first volume of the book, which focuses on hydrology.

  • [Solucionario Sotelo Ávila Vol. 1], another YouTube video by Igh-GoGo that shows the solutions for the problems in the first volume of the book, which covers fluid statics, fluid kinematics, fluid dynamics, and dimensional analysis.

  • [Solucionario -mecanica_de_fluidos_e_hidraulica sotelo], a SlideShare presentation by Rubí Morales de Masaki that contains the solutions for the problems in the second volume of the book, which deals with pipe flow, open channel flow, hydraulic machines, and hydraulic structures.

The solucionario is not an official publication by the author or the publisher of the book. It is a collaborative effort by various individuals who share their knowledge and expertise on hydraulics. Therefore, it may contain errors or inaccuracies that should be verified with other sources. The solucionario is intended for educational purposes only and should not be used for commercial or illegal purposes.


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  • thejourney27
  • Hanah Baring
    Hanah Baring
  • Landon Diaz
    Landon Diaz
  • Eli Anderson
    Eli Anderson
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